Strategic Planning
At SRDI, we guide projects through the early planning and strategy phases. Our work with long-term, integrated strategic planning aims to promote sustainable solutions that strive to effectively manage a broad range of complex, overlapping processes. We understand that strategic planning requires a holistic approach to decision-making with consideration given to social, economic, cultural, environmental management, business processes, land use, infrastructure and governance frameworks. By understanding and identifying potential constraints and project opportunities early in the process, we can develop flexible strategies, alternatives, and mitigation approaches that lead to successful projects.

Needs and Feasibility Assessment
SRDI conducts needs and risk assessments with the participation of stakeholders to establish a project foundation with a comprehensive feasibility analysis. We take a participatory approach soliciting opinions and suggestions to identify key needs and impediments. Our approach is never top-down and we plan for organic economic growth by dealing with practical realities. The community, local government or private sector are major players in the design of a strategy and action plan that contains practical, feasible goals. We have conducted numerous round-tables with stakeholders, including local small businesses, NGOs, local government and economic development officials to reach conclusions that reflect the existing environment, feeding that data into a long-term strategy and detailed action plan.

Technical Studies
SRDI conducts comprehensive technical studies that play a key role in strategy and action plan design, identifying program constraints, opportunities, legal issues and business processes. The following are some of those that we provide:
Natural, economic and social asset Assessments
Stakeholder attitude and capacity Surveys
Tourism Resource Inventories
Comprehensive feasibility Assessments
SWOT and Business Process Analysis
Business Process Re-engineering
These studies help identify practical goals, map out schedules, costs and action plans, assign roles and responsibilities and minimise negative impacts.